“Outreach calls are just not in my comfort zone.” That statement is something either thought or even spoken by all of us as pastors from time to time. And you know what? It is uncomfortable! Every time you go to an unchurched person’s door, a battle is waged against Satan. Suddenly one of his own number is being threatened and you can bet that he’ll fight to protect his own! Outreach calls are not easy because Satan is attacking on two fronts - against the heart of the person you are talking to as well as against yours. He makes the call “uncomfortable.” But it is vital to fight the battle! The souls of those you visit will be glad you did!
No soldier gets to say, “War is not in my comfort zone, therefore I’m not going to fight.” Though not comfortable, aren’t you glad the soldier fought to defend you, your family and your country? No doctor particularly loves to split open a fellow human being’s head and do brain surgery or cut into someone’s chest cavity and perform heart surgery. But wouldn’t you be glad the doctor was willing to do it if it was your life on the line? We are thankful that people are willing to go outside their comfort zone to save lives. How much more vital is it when an eternal soul is on the line?
It was getting late. I had been on some rough outreach calls welcoming new movers to our town that night. I was just about to call it night even though I had time for at least one more. The next person on the list was only a block away. I would have felt guilty if I drove past their house without stopping (Satan was working hard that night!). I went up to the door half hoping no one was home. A very pregnant young woman answered the door. Within minutes I learned that she had no church background, had never been baptized and was expecting triplets! It would have been easier just to give her the pamphlet and say, “Keep us in mind!” Instead, I spoke the uncomfortable thing: “Can I tell you about the awesome gifts God gives us in baptism?”
Long story short, she and her husband came through the Bible Information Class, the triplets were baptized, and God was working as we studied his Word together. The husband commented, “I never knew any of this. This is amazing!”
It wasn’t comfortable, but I’m glad I knocked on that door - as much for their sake as mine. Proclaiming God’s Word isn’t always comfortable, but then it’s not you or me that blesses it - God does. In the war on Satan, God is at our side and as someone once said, “God and I make a majority!” In heaven, God could very well say to countless people, “Aren’t you glad I sent Pastor to go and knock on your door?” What a privilege to be one of those knockers!